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1:45:00 AM
asdgadgpaiusdhgaishasdopasduhfpaiuhf!! (mixed emotions of excitement, fear, and joy)
I remember in May when I first received my call letter and thinking that September seemed ages away, but this summer, just like every summer, went by really quickly. And I'm leaving tomorrow! I don't think it's really hit me that I'm leaving home and my whole life is changing, literally. From everything I do, think, and eat (hopefully I don't starve...kidding...ish). You know what I'll miss? All my close friends and family, homemade Chinese food, sleeping in, wearing jeans, being called Michelle/my "endearing" nickname that shall not be named here, listening to my music, watching movies, and probably being at school struggling with my roomies. We'll be out all day, every day, reaching out to strangers and sharing the gospel to others who are curious to learn more. It's really rough and I'll probably get rejected often, but it'll be worth it if even one person comes closer to Christ and is willing to live His gospel. We'll be wearing either dresses or skirts with cute tops every day, so no pants for me unless we're doing a service project or exercising. And how weird is it that I'll be called Sister Wu by everyone I meet? Okay not that bad, but I wonder if my name will sound weird when someone says it again haha.
Okay, let's talk about serving locally. I hope if I end up in London, or Waterloo, I don't see anyone I know. Not that I don't want to see you, it's just kind of weird, because I can't just hang out. I have a purpose as a missionary, to share the gospel...and it's the hardest when you do that to people you know already haha. Anyways! I am excited though, to be starting my mission I mean. 6 weeks is gonna feel long in the beginning, but it'll probably go by quickly too. Let's hope it doesn't get to chilly by October :)
But everything I'm putting on hold, or sacrificing for the next year and a half, is nothing compared to what Christ has sacrificed for us. He died so we could get second chances, repent, and learn to be more like Him. Ahh I love the gospel, I know that Heavenly Father loves each of His children with all His heart, and I know that some people really need to hear that message. Whatever happens in life, good or bad, God is always there by our side, as long as we reach out to Him too. I can only hope to be half the servant Christ was when he ministered on this earth, but I'll be trying every day.
And here's a meme of how I feel and various pictures of people that have become like family to me and that I'll miss dearly !
My sassy counterpart and personal baker ;)
Chinese for life man. Best bros I could've asked for, who knew? :)
High school wouldn't have been complete without these two!
Sebbie is a champ for coming from 'Sauga to see me before I leave
I love us, candid
Just because we're pretty much twins sometimes
My favorite ginger, the biggest weirdo, and currently serving in Busan, Korea!
Sometimes I think Kenz is half Asian haha
I didn't really get a chance to take a picture with Marina, but Wayne will do. Can't believe how big and grown up he is now!
Kendra don't kill me! Questival memories
And last of all, my best friend, for making me laugh, for being by my side through my ups and down and still loving me for me, and supporting everything I do.
Sister Wu