7:14:00 PM
Happy 2016!
I know I've said this before, but it never feels like December or January here because the weather doesn't change much in Hawaii. But either way, happy belated new year's! On New Year's Eve, we got together with all the missionaries in the zone (sisters and a few elders, senior couples) to watch a movie called Cokesville Miracle(approved by the mission president, don't worry). It's based on a true experience that happened in the 1960s in Wyoming. The first half of the movie was really weird because the main guy is psycho and he's planning to bomb an elementary school so he can rule over all the townspeople (he thought he could be reborn from the explosion). But the second half had all of us in tears because of how the survivors explained their escape from the explosion. I won't say much because you should watch it if you can, but the experience left such a profound influence on everyone involved, and reminded me of the power of prayer. Of course there was a disclaimer at the end of the movie that said not all tragedies end up this way. We were all in tears by the end because no matter what happens in life, Heavenly Father is watching out for us and we can reach out to him. There were just too many coincidences that happened to be "just coincidences". You have to watch it to understand what I mean haha. I highly recommend it!
It was such a great way to end 2015 because I've been reminded of how powerful prayer is, especially when people are united in prayer. I'm so grateful to know that we can pray to our Heavenly Father and receive answers from Him. I'm grateful that I know this for myself and that we can teach others how to pray. Because I know that Heavenly Father gives us strength and peace, in any circumstance.The worst part about watching this was hearing the fireworks outside the VC while we watched the psycho in the movie prepare the bombing...
Our general message that we shared with members this week was about new year's resolutions. We were able to visit the Nihipali family and they have two daughters with really severe disabilities. As we shared how preparing goals for the new year for all aspects in our life, like spiritually or in the family, we can feel more happiness and united as a family. The Spirit was so strong when Sister Nihipali shared her testimony and how her daughters, despite how difficult it is on the family to take care of all their needs, remind her of God's love. I'm deeply touched by her experiences and testimony, and also her daughter Moani's example to us. She also gave her testimony on fast Sunday, about how our message was exactly what she needed. Since we visit a lot of members and sometimes less-active members if they're even home, I don't feel like I'm doing much in the community. But her testimony really helped me understand that when we're guided by the Spirit to know what others need to hear, we are doing our part as missionaries. I love this community so much because the people here are so humble and giving.
On the other hand, did I mention how fun it is to pick up calls online? I had the chance to talk to a guy who called in about the Book of Mormon. He was arguing about a scripture and how racist it was, and we did our best to explain our opinion, and encouraged him to read to the end. I was so stressed out, but I'm glad we could talk to him because it strengthened my testimony about the Book of Mormon. God will choose the elect, who are prepared to accept the restored gospel, but if your heart isn't open, you'll never accept the Book of Mormon as truth.
I'm so grateful to have all the resources we have to testify of this restored gospel and to have my testimony strengthened every day!
Scripture of the week: Alma 31:38
"And the Lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ, Now this was according to the prayer of Alma; and this because he prayed in faith."
The trio!
My MTC companion, Sister Furukawa!
Eating at Kahuku Farms, all fresh ingredients :)
First day of 2016 breakfast! Elder Priday and Elder Smith preparing french toast.
Sister Wu